Training Materials

Learn more about best practices in volunteer recruitment and engagement, and how to get the results you need.

NOTE: These are examples from public libraries and should be reviewed and modified to ensure fit with local policies and culture.

Title Keyword Tags Year
Live Online Discussion of Diversity Equity & Inclusion
California Library Volunteer Leaders: Live Open Online Discussion on Diversity Equity & Inclusion in Volunteer Engagement – This recorded… more
Capacity BuildingStaff Training diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism 2022
QuickStart Guide for New Volunteers
Not a library, but a lovely example to get ideas from.
Volunteer Orientation orientation, handbook 2022
White Supremacy in Volunteerism - Perfectionism
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training White Saviorism, diversity, equity, inclusion, white supremacy 2022
Creating a Community-Centered Volunteer Orientation
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff TrainingVolunteer Orientation diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism, white supremacy, orientation, Training 2022
How to Align Your Mission with Millennials and Civic Engagement
America’s millennials are poised to reshape society to a greater degree than any generation since the Greatest Generation. As 2 million baby boomers… more
Millennials Millennials 2022
Ways to Appreciate Volunteers Without Centering Them as the Hero
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training recognition, diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism, appreciation 2022
Tips to Attract & Retain Skilled Volunteers that Grow Your Nonprofit
Great tips as you venture into the world of skilled volunteers . . .
Engaging High Impact Volunteers Skilled Volunteers 2022
Recruiting Local Volunteers to Increase Diversity Among the Ranks
This blog post by Jayne Cravens provides some ideas for expanding diversity among your volunteers. Includes a number of links to related topics as… more
Staff Training diversity, equity, inclusion, Recruitment 2022
Memorializing Volunteer Experiences Without Harming the Community You Serve
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training social media, diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism 2022
Volunteer Engagement 101
This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCorps members… more
Staff Training job descriptions, Recruitment, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in, Motivation 2022
VolunteerMatch "Tour"
This is a recording of an online meeting "Tour" provided for incoming AmeriCorps members attached to California Library Literacy Services in December… more
VolunteerMatch Tools and ResourcesStaff TrainingOn-line Volunteer Recruitment VolunteerMatch, Skilled Volunteers, skilled, virtual, virtual volunteer 2022
10 Must Have's for a Well-Crafted Volunteer Job Description
Great reminders about what every volunteer job description should contain.
Capacity BuildingStaff Training job descriptions, Position Descriptions 2022
Beyond Younger Volunteers: White Paper on What Rural Friends Groups Need to Thrive
2022 White paper from the Friends of Libraries Section of the New York Library Association.
Capacity Building Friends, rural 2022
Library Express - Frequently Asked Questions - Indianapolis IN
Prepared by the Indianapolis Public Library for their home delivery program, Library Express.
Job Specific Volunteer Training Homebound, Home delivery, delivery 2022
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Resources - California State Library
This website of applicable materials was developed and is maintained by the California State Library.
Staff Training diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging 2022
Staff Training: Volunteer Vaccination Verification - San Jose CA
Training developed by San Jose Public Library for volunteer engagement staff at branches to learn how to do volunteer vaccine verifications in order… more
Staff Training COVID-19 2022
Tips for Communications and outreach that honor diversity, equity and inclusion
Nine tips for communication that can be used as a checklist.
Capacity BuildingStaff Training communications, diversity, equity, inclusion 2022
Questionnaire Design Tip Sheet - Harvard University
A tip sheet on question wording from the Harvard University Program on Survey Research.
Capacity BuildingStaff Training surveys 2021
Recruit Volunteers Online: Find Your Next 20 COVID Superheroes with Smarter Strategy
The author describes three essential strategies needed to build a presence online that can recruit the ideal volunteers you need, those that are… more
On-line Volunteer Recruitment Recruitment, online recruitment 2021
Outdoor Programming and Outreach Best Practices - Oklahoma City OK
Developed by the Metropolitan Library System in Oklahoma City during the COVID-19 pandemic as a guide for staff.
Capacity Building outdoor, outreach, programming, COVID-19 2021