Resources tagged with "inclusive"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Asking Inclusive Questions About Gender

Things to consider when listing gender questions on your application or survey

Staff Training
Training Materials 2023
Disability Awareness and Inclusive Behaviors

This is a section of another publication that provides some great guidance.

Staff Training
Training Materials 2024
Engagement as a Path to Inclusion and Justice

This brief article from Beth Steinhorn at VQ Strategies outlines 4 questions we can all ask ourselves for developing and implementing a p

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Engaging People with Disabilities

Links to resources on this topic available from Volunteer Canada.


Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2024
Fighting Racism Through Diverse and Inclusive Volunteer Engagement Programming (Part 1 of 2)

Thoughts on how to audit your own diversity, equity and inclusion strategy (DEI) in how you engage volunteers from Jerome Tennille, CVA,

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Fighting Racism Through Diverse and Inclusive Volunteer Engagement Programming (Part 2 of 2)

Part 2 of thoughts on how to audit your own diversity, equity and inclusion strategy (DEI) in how you engage volunteers from Jerome Tenni

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2020
If Your Board Looked Like Your Community

While written by an Arts organization, the 4 “Hurdles” described, along with strategies to consider and actions to take are relevant to a

Staff Training
Training Materials 2016
Power, Privilege, and Volunteerism

Volunteerism can reinforce patterns of power and privilege (whites and people of means as volunteers, and communities of color or those w

Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Racial Equity and Inclusion Resources for Volunteer Engagement Leaders

This is a terrific list of links to articles, books, research, podcasts, movies and toolkits on this subject put together by MAVA - the M

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2020
Recognizing Racism in Volunteer Engagement - MAVA

Important food for thought from the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2020
Supporting Volunteerism by People with Disabilities

A thorough guidebook to help with attracting and engaging volunteers with disabilities.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2024
Systemic Exclusion in Volunteer Engagement

The vast majority of managers of volunteers absolutely abhor deliberate acts of racism and want to be more inclusive.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Talking Racial Equity? Make Sure You Understand These 17 Words

A good list of terms to be familiar with from

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020