Resources tagged with "job descriptions"
Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.
Resource | Resource type | Year |
10 Must Have's for a Well-Crafted Volunteer Job Description Great reminders about what every volunteer job description should contain. Capacity Building Staff Training |
Training Materials | 2022 |
Building Better COVID-Related Volunteer Roles VolunteerPro's approach to re-tooling our volunteer engagement during COVID-19. Staff Training Capacity Building |
Training Materials | 2020 |
It's Spring: Let's Renew/Reinvigorate/Revamp Volunteer Engagement This one-hour live online meeting was held on April 20, 2023 and features library volunteer engagement leaders sharing their thoughts on Staff Training |
Training Materials | 2023 |
Position Description Template - VolunteerMatch This job description template was created by Jennifer Bennett, CVA, Senior Manager of Education and Training at VolunteerMatch. English as a Second Language |
Position Descriptions | 2020 |
Six Ways to Restructure Existing Volunteer Opportunities A great list of ideas for restructuring volunteer positions to appeal to volunteers seeking more flexible and/or short term opportunities Outreach |
Position Descriptions | 2023 |
Targeted Recruitment Plan You want the perfect volunteer for each position -- don't settle for someone who's not right for the job. Volunteer Recruitment |
Management Tool | 2013 |
Volunteer Engagement 101 This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCo Staff Training |
Training Materials | 2022 |
Volunteer Matching: Finding the Right Role for Every Volunteer Fitting each volunteer with the right role is critical to success. Engaging High Impact Volunteers Capacity Building Staff Training |
Training Materials | 2023 |