Training Materials

Learn more about best practices in volunteer recruitment and engagement, and how to get the results you need.

NOTE: These are examples from public libraries and should be reviewed and modified to ensure fit with local policies and culture.

Title Keyword Tags Year
Volunteer Speed-Matching
A unique volunteer recruitment technique.
Capacity BuildingStaff Training Recruitment 2005
Volunteer Involvement in California Libraries: Best Practices
This is the State Library's 245 page book on Volunteer Involvement for libraries -- author Carla Lehn. Includes Chapters and sample materials… more
Volunteer RecruitmentEngaging High Impact VolunteersStaff Training Volunteer Recruitment, volunteer coordinator, staff training 1999
Checking Criminal Histories: Considerations Before You Begin
Thinks to take into consideration as you determine your use of criminal history background checks, including relevant offenses and applicants' rights.
Staff Training background checks, criminal background check
Teen Summer Volunteer Orientation - Riverside County CA
Sample Teen Volunteer Summer Reading Program orientation agenda
Volunteer OrientationMillennials teen volunteers, Teens