Resources tagged with "Video"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Adult Literacy Students Giving Back

In this 5- minute video, be inspired by adult literacy students in San Jose who are giving back to their community.

Engaging High Impact Volunteers
Training Materials 2011
Demonstrating ROI (Return on Investment) in Volunteer Engagement

You know your volunteers do valuable work -- but how do you know which of their results will be most compelling to the decision makers in
Capacity Building Engaging Staff and Unions

Management Tool 2011
Engaging Volunteers in Leadership Positions- St. Helena Public Library- TLA50 Video

Baby Boomers Capacity Building Staff Training

Training Materials 2010
Getting Staff on Board- Story Time Conductors

Former Roseville library director Rachel Delgadillo talks about how she worked with her Children's Librarians to overcome their resistanc

Capacity Building Engaging Staff and Unions Staff Training
Training Materials 2010
Jim's Test Video Video
Partners in Reading Leadership Team, San Jose, CA

In this 2-minute interview with Judy Klikun, you will learn about engaging volunteer leaders, building teams and developing advocates for
Capacity Building Engaging High Impact Volunteers

Training Materials 2010
Reimagining Service in California- Karen Baker

Karen Brown, Secretary of Service and Volunteering in California, discusses trends in skilled volunteering at the Get Involved: Powered B
Capacity Building Engaging High Impact Volunteers Staff Training

Training Materials 2010
Until Tuesday - Book to Action Project- Lodi, CA

As part of an LSTA grant, Lodi Public Library designed a Book to Action project around the book "Until Tuesday" based on the tr
Capacity Building Engaging High Impact Volunteers

Training Materials 2012
Volunteer Assessment and Selection- Jennifer Rackow

As part of a day-long training, Jennifer Rackow helps you assess and select the best candidates to become volunteers in your program.
Capacity Building Engaging High Impact Volunteers Interviewing Volunteers Staff Training

Training Materials 2009