Resources with "Engaging Staff and Unions" Keyword
Keywords are the primary categories of resources.
Resource | Resource type | Tags | Year |
6 HR Strategies for Nonprofits to Enhance Volunteer-Staff Collaboration A quick read with ideas on maximizing volunteer-staff interactions. |
Training Materials | Staff Resistance, staff buy-in, volunteer staff relations | 2025 |
Arizona's Buckeye Library Shares it's Experience with Get Involved In this 6 minute video, Krista Cornish, Buckeye Library's (AZ) Volunteer Engagement Coordinator shares her library's experience |
Training Materials | 2019 | |
Challenging the Status Quo: Rethinking the Value of Volunteers What if the way nonprofits and companies are currently engaging volunteers is all wrong? |
Management Tool | 2014 | |
Collaborating with Unions to Engage Volunteers - San Jose Tips for collaborating with the union for volunteer engagement developed and used successfully by San Jose Public Library. |
Training Materials | Unions | 2010 |
Confidentiality and Other Objections to Volunteers Susan Ellis writes eloquently on how to overcome staff objections to volunteer engagement. |
Training Materials | staff buy-in | 2009 |
Could Volunteers Replace Paid Staff?? Have No Fear! An organization’s decision to bring in volunteers may spark fears that volunteers could eventually replace staff. |
Training Materials | Staff Resistance, staff buy-in | 2019 |
Demonstrating ROI (Return on Investment) in Volunteer Engagement You know your volunteers do valuable work -- but how do you know which of their results will be most compelling to the decision makers in |
Management Tool | Video, program evaluation, outcome measurement | 2011 |
Getting Management Buy In for Volunteers Volunteerism consultant Susan Ellis gives tips for staff on steps to take to get management on board with and supportive of the volunteer |
Training Materials | 2011 | |
Getting Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement Video clip on this topic from a Get Involved Volunteer Engagement Institute in Oakland California in May 2015. (26.5 minutes) |
Training Materials | 2018 | |
Getting Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement - San Jose Tips for successfully gaining Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement developed by San Jose Public Library. |
Training Materials | 2010 | |
Getting Staff on Board- Story Time Conductors Former Roseville library director Rachel Delgadillo talks about how she worked with her Children's Librarians to overcome their resistanc |
Training Materials | Video, Staff Resistance, Storytime, children's services | 2010 |
Grow Staff Volunteer Harmony Tips from Energize Inc. on helping staff to work more productively with volunteers. |
Training Materials | staff buy-in | 2018 |
Library Directors discuss Union Issues and Staff Buy-In Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille |
Training Materials | Unions, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in | 2009 |
Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement One hour archived recording of a WebJunction webinar: Library volunteerism is evolving. |
Training Materials | 2018 | |
Union Issues and Staff Resistance Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille |
Training Materials | Unions, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in | 2008 |
Volunteer Engagement Roles This matrix, developed by Carla Lehn, identifies organizational roles to be played in in achieving successful volunteer engagement. |
Management Tool | Director, Board, volunteer coordinator | 2018 |
What Leaders of Volunteers Can Do to Gain Executive Attention A list of steps to take when trying to engage senior management in understanding the importance of the volunteer program by Susan J. |
Training Materials | staff buy-in, Staff Resistance | 2011 |