Resources with "Engaging Staff and Unions" Keyword

Keywords are the primary categories of resources.

Resource Resource type Tags Year
6 HR Strategies for Nonprofits to Enhance Volunteer-Staff Collaboration

A quick read with ideas on maximizing volunteer-staff interactions.

Training Materials Staff Resistance, staff buy-in, volunteer staff relations 2025
Arizona's Buckeye Library Shares it's Experience with Get Involved

In this 6 minute video, Krista Cornish, Buckeye Library's (AZ) Volunteer Engagement Coordinator shares her library's experience

Training Materials 2019
Challenging the Status Quo: Rethinking the Value of Volunteers

What if the way nonprofits and companies are currently engaging volunteers is all wrong?

Management Tool 2014
Collaborating with Unions to Engage Volunteers - San Jose

Tips for collaborating with the union for volunteer engagement developed and used successfully by San Jose Public Library.

Training Materials Unions 2010
Confidentiality and Other Objections to Volunteers

Susan Ellis writes eloquently on how to overcome staff objections to volunteer engagement.

Training Materials staff buy-in 2009
Could Volunteers Replace Paid Staff?? Have No Fear!

An organization’s decision to bring in volunteers may spark fears that volunteers could eventually replace staff.

Training Materials Staff Resistance, staff buy-in 2019
Demonstrating ROI (Return on Investment) in Volunteer Engagement

You know your volunteers do valuable work -- but how do you know which of their results will be most compelling to the decision makers in

Management Tool Video, program evaluation, outcome measurement 2011
Getting Management Buy In for Volunteers

Volunteerism consultant Susan Ellis gives tips for staff on steps to take to get management on board with and supportive of the volunteer

Training Materials 2011
Getting Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement

Video clip on this topic from a Get Involved Volunteer Engagement Institute in Oakland California in May 2015. (26.5 minutes)

Training Materials 2018
Getting Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement - San Jose

Tips for successfully gaining Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement developed by San Jose Public Library.

Training Materials 2010
Getting Staff on Board- Story Time Conductors

Former Roseville library director Rachel Delgadillo talks about how she worked with her Children's Librarians to overcome their resistanc

Training Materials Video, Staff Resistance, Storytime, children's services 2010
Grow Staff Volunteer Harmony

Tips from Energize Inc. on helping staff to work more productively with volunteers.

Training Materials staff buy-in 2018
Library Directors discuss Union Issues and Staff Buy-In

Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille

Training Materials Unions, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in 2009
Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

One hour archived recording of a WebJunction webinar: Library volunteerism is evolving.

Training Materials 2018
Union Issues and Staff Resistance

Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille

Training Materials Unions, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in 2008
Volunteer Engagement Roles

This matrix, developed by Carla Lehn, identifies organizational roles to be played in in achieving successful volunteer engagement.

Management Tool Director, Board, volunteer coordinator 2018
What Leaders of Volunteers Can Do to Gain Executive Attention

A list of steps to take when trying to engage senior management in understanding the importance of the volunteer program by Susan J.

Training Materials staff buy-in, Staff Resistance 2011