Resources tagged with "volunteer coordinator"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
A Letter to Nonprofits that Want to Hire a Volunteer Manager

A terrific brief piece by Elisa Kosarin on things to consider when preparing to hire a volunteer engagement coordinator.

Volunteer Coordinator Interview Questions Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
Management Tool 2017
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator - State Library, CA

When the California state library dramatically increased the number of volunteer positions in the library, that of course meant more work

Leadership / Managerial Outreach
Position Descriptions 2013
Coordinator Volunteer Services - Palos Verdes Library District, CA

Sample part time staff job description for the Palos Verdes Library District's Volunteer Coordinator position.

Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
Management Tool 2010
Man at desk on phone
Leadership / Managerial Program / Project Coordinator
Sample Volunteer Coordinator Interview Questions - 1

Sample questions that could be used in an interview of a potential staff volunteer coordinator.
Volunteer Coordinator Interview Questions

Management Tool 2011
Sample Volunteer Coordinator Interview Questions - 2

Sample questions that could be used in an interview of a potential staff volunteer coordinator.
Volunteer Coordinator Interview Questions

Management Tool 2011
Sample Volunteer Engagement Coordinator Job Description

Sample job description for a volunteer engagement coordinator (drafted by Carla Lehn).

Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
Management Tool 2017
Volunteer Coordinator - Fresno County Library, CA

Sample staff job description for Fresno County Library's Volunteer Coordinator position.

Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
Management Tool 2000
Volunteer Coordinator Job Description - Huntington Beach Public Library, CA

This full time position at Huntington Beach Public Library includes Volunteer Coordinator responsibilities as well as some other duties.<
Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions

Management Tool 2010
Volunteer Engagement Roles

This matrix, developed by Carla Lehn, identifies organizational roles to be played in in achieving successful volunteer engagement.
Staff Guides for Working with Volunteers Capacity Building Engaging Staff and Unions Staff Training

Management Tool 2018
Volunteer Involvement in California Libraries: Best Practices

This is the State Library's 245 page book on Volunteer Involvement for libraries -- author Carla Lehn.
Volunteer Recruitment Engaging High Impact Volunteers Staff Training

Training Materials 1999
Volunteer Management: How to Get it Right

A 2018 study by MAVA (Minnesota Association of Volunteer Administrators) showed a lack of understanding about the essential nature of vol

Capacity Building
Training Materials 2018
Volunteer Manager - San Jose Public Library, CA

Sample staff job description for the San Jose Public Library's Volunteer Manager position.

Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
Management Tool 2009
Woman at desk on phone
Leadership / Managerial Program / Project Coordinator
Woman at desk on phone
Leadership / Managerial Program / Project Coordinator