Resources tagged with "staff buy-in"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Confidentiality and Other Objections to Volunteers

Susan Ellis writes eloquently on how to overcome staff objections to volunteer engagement.

Engaging Staff and Unions
Training Materials 2009
Could Volunteers Replace Paid Staff?? Have No Fear!

An organization’s decision to bring in volunteers may spark fears that volunteers could eventually replace staff.

Staff Training Engaging Staff and Unions
Training Materials 2019
Gaining Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement

This chart created by Carla Lehn identifies the common reasons that staff are resistant to the idea of engaging volunteers in their work,
Capacity Building Staff Training

Training Materials 2018
Grow Staff Volunteer Harmony

Tips from Energize Inc. on helping staff to work more productively with volunteers.

Engaging Staff and Unions
Training Materials 2018
Library Directors discuss Union Issues and Staff Buy-In

Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille
Engaging Staff and Unions

Training Materials 2009
Preparing Co-Workers to Lead Volunteers Online and On Land

Ideas for training staff to engage with volunteers.

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2022
Staff Focus Group Format - Los Angeles Public Library

Recently the Los Angeles Public Library's Volunteer Engagement department pulled together a group of 12 of their 70+ Branch Managers to g

Staff Guides for Working with Volunteers
Management Tool 2024
Union Issues and Staff Resistance

Early in the Get Involved initiative we determined that the two biggest potential internal barriers to moving toward engagement of skille
Engaging Staff and Unions

Training Materials 2008
Volunteer Engagement 101

This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCo

Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
What Leaders of Volunteers Can Do to Gain Executive Attention

A list of steps to take when trying to engage senior management in understanding the importance of the volunteer program by Susan J.
Engaging Staff and Unions

Training Materials 2011