Training Materials
Learn more about best practices in volunteer recruitment and engagement, and how to get the results you need.
NOTE: These are examples from public libraries and should be reviewed and modified to ensure fit with local policies and culture.
Title | Keyword | Tags | Year |
Playing by the Rules: Creating an Effective Volunteer Handbook.
This one hour archived webinar was presented by Jennifer Bennett of VolunteerMatch in conjunction with the 4 state Get Involved: Powered by Your… more |
Volunteer Handbooks | policies, handbook | 2019 |
"Applying for a Job Online" Powerpoint Training - Huntington Beach
This powerpoint presentation was created for a high skilled volunteer to deliver training to library patrons on "Applying for Job Online." |
Job / Employment Coach, Engaging High Impact Volunteers, Job Specific Volunteer Training | job coach, Training | 2012 |
"E-mail Basics" Powerpoint Training - Huntington Beach
This powerpoint presentation was created for a high skilled volunteer to deliver training to library patrons on "E-Mail Basics." |
Engaging High Impact Volunteers, Job Specific Volunteer Training | tech coach, Training | 2012 |
"Holds Hunter" Volunteer COVID-19 Procedure Changes - Cedar Rapids IA
Procedural changes developed for volunteer "Hold Hunters" by the Cedar Rapids Iowa Public Library during 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. |
Capacity Building, Job Specific Volunteer Training | COVID-19 | 2020 |
10 Must Have's for a Well-Crafted Volunteer Job Description
Great reminders about what every volunteer job description should contain. |
Capacity Building, Staff Training | job descriptions, Position Descriptions | 2022 |
22 Simple Tips for Managing Virtual Volunteers
Help with planning for, implementing and managing volunteers who work remotely. |
Engaging High Impact Volunteers, Staff Training | virtual, virtual volunteer, remote | 2021 |
3 Tips for Finding New Board Members
Great advice for how to think about and plan for board member recruitment. |
Capacity Building, Engaging High Impact Volunteers | boards, Trustees, Recruitment | 2021 |
5 Myths About Volunteer Engagement
Beth Steinhorn, President of VQ Volunteer Strategies prepared a 4 - 5 minute YouTube video on each of her top 5 Volunteer Engagement Myths. They can… more |
Staff Training | myths | 2023 |
5 Tips for Recruiting Volunteers
Five recruitment tips for volunteer management consultant, Rob Jackson. |
Capacity Building | Recruitment | 2022 |
6 Strategies to Involve Young People in Your Nonprofit
Great suggestions from Nonprofit Tech for Good. |
Millennials | young volunteers | 2024 |
A Few Pointers on the Unpleasant Topic of Firing Volunteers
Sarah Jane Rehnborg, Ph.D. discusses some of the "whys" and "hows" on this important topic. |
Staff Training | Fire, dismiss, problem | 2015 |
A Savior No One Needs: Unpacking and Overcoming the White Savior Complex
White savior complex is a term that’s used to describe white people who consider themselves wonderful helpers to Black, Indigenous and People of… more |
Staff Training | diversity, equity, inclusion | 2021 |
Action Words for Use in Position Description Development - San Jose
A terrific list of action words to assist when preparing volunteer position descriptions. |
Staff Guides for Working with Volunteers, Engaging High Impact Volunteers | Position Descriptions | 2010 |
Activating the Power of Strategic Volunteer Engagement for a Better World
Driven by the power of volunteer energy and grounded in comprehensive research, the Initiative for Strategic Volunteer Engagement launched to… more |
Capacity Building | Strategic, fund development | 2023 |
Addressing Issues of Equity in Volunteerism
A brief article on this important subject with some ideas about where to look and what to do. |
Capacity Building | diversity, equity, inclusion | 2021 |
Adopt-A-Shelf Job List - Cedar Rapids Public Library IA
This is the Job List for volunteers who "Adopt-A-Shelf" at the Cedar Rapids Iowa Public Library. A related document is the Adopt-A-Shelf… more |
Job Specific Volunteer Training | Shelving | 2020 |
Adult Literacy Students Giving Back
In this 5- minute video, be inspired by adult literacy students in San Jose who are giving back to their community. |
Engaging High Impact Volunteers | adult literacy, Video | 2011 |
An Introduction to Ethics for the Volunteer Engagement Profession
Katie Campbell, former Executive Director of the CCVA (Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration) and Ethics Editor Erin Spink introduce… more |
Staff Training | Ethics | 2023 |
Are You in a Volunteer Management Silo?
A classic piece by Susan Ellis describing why we need to get out of our comfort zone and expand our thinking once in a while. |
Staff Training | Professional Development | 2017 |
Are Young People Replacing Older People as the Key Volunteering Group?
A brief look at volunteering trends and key takeaways during COVID-19. |
Baby Boomers, Capacity Building, Millennials, Staff Training | COVID-19, generations, Millennials | 2020 |