Training Materials

Learn more about best practices in volunteer recruitment and engagement, and how to get the results you need.

NOTE: These are examples from public libraries and should be reviewed and modified to ensure fit with local policies and culture.

Title Keyword Tags Year
Asking Inclusive Questions About Gender
Things to consider when listing gender questions on your application or survey
Staff Training inclusive, equity, diversity, Gender 2023
Mirror, Mirror on the wall - The role of self-awareness in equity work
Take a moment to read this very brief article about how to be more self aware while doing equity work.
Staff Training diversity, equity, inclusion 2023
Introduction to the Purpose-Driven Vounteer Impact Model
Volunteers contribute to a library’s mission, labor, donations, awareness, and reputation. Yet, reports about volunteers often omit these… more
Staff Training impact, outcome measurement, Data Management 2023
5 Myths About Volunteer Engagement
Beth Steinhorn, President of VQ Volunteer Strategies prepared a 4 - 5 minute YouTube video on each of her top 5 Volunteer Engagement Myths. They can… more
Staff Training myths 2023
Preparing Co-Workers to Lead Volunteers Online and On Land
Ideas for training staff to engage with volunteers.
Staff TrainingCapacity Building Staff Resistance, staff buy-in, staff training 2022
Changing the Frame: Civic Engagement Through A Racial Equity Lens
Since Robert Putnam’s book Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital came out in 2000, policymakers, nonprofit funders, and pundits have sent… more
Capacity BuildingStaff Training diversity, equity, inclusion 2022
Research and Case Studies Regarding Virtual Volunteering
Research on virtual volunteering compiled and updated in March 2022 by Jayne Cravens of Coyote Communications.
Capacity BuildingEngaging High Impact Volunteers virtual, virtual volunteer 2022
First Day Volunteer Orientation Checklist - Kitchener Public Library
This checklist is used by the Kitchener Public Library for a volunteer's first day of orientation/training.
Volunteer Orientation checklist, orientation, Training 2022
Virtual Volunteers: Keys to Success and Sustainability
More and more organizations rely on a hybrid workforce – with staff and volunteers working on-site and on-line. More recently, engaging volunteers… more
Staff TrainingCapacity Building virtual volunteer 2022
Privilege, Bias and Microaggressions
On Aug 25, 2022 Points of Light and the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration led a conversation exploring identity, privilege, bias and… more
Capacity BuildingStaff Training privilege, bias, microaggression, diversity, equity, inclusion 2022
Live Online Discussion of Diversity Equity & Inclusion
California Library Volunteer Leaders: Live Open Online Discussion on Diversity Equity & Inclusion in Volunteer Engagement – This recorded… more
Capacity BuildingStaff Training diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism 2022
QuickStart Guide for New Volunteers
Not a library, but a lovely example to get ideas from.
Volunteer Orientation orientation, handbook 2022
White Supremacy in Volunteerism - Perfectionism
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training White Saviorism, diversity, equity, inclusion, white supremacy 2022
Creating a Community-Centered Volunteer Orientation
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff TrainingVolunteer Orientation diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism, white supremacy, orientation, Training 2022
How to Align Your Mission with Millennials and Civic Engagement
America’s millennials are poised to reshape society to a greater degree than any generation since the Greatest Generation. As 2 million baby boomers… more
Millennials Millennials 2022
Ways to Appreciate Volunteers Without Centering Them as the Hero
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training recognition, diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism, appreciation 2022
Tips to Attract & Retain Skilled Volunteers that Grow Your Nonprofit
Great tips as you venture into the world of skilled volunteers . . .
Engaging High Impact Volunteers Skilled Volunteers 2022
Recruiting Local Volunteers to Increase Diversity Among the Ranks
This blog post by Jayne Cravens provides some ideas for expanding diversity among your volunteers. Includes a number of links to related topics as… more
Staff Training diversity, equity, inclusion, Recruitment 2022
Memorializing Volunteer Experiences Without Harming the Community You Serve
This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause - After… more
Staff Training social media, diversity, equity, inclusion, White Saviorism 2022
Volunteer Engagement 101
This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCorps members… more
Staff Training job descriptions, Recruitment, Staff Resistance, staff buy-in, Motivation 2022