Resources tagged with "Skilled Volunteers"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
50 Project Ideas for Skilled Volunteers That Build Your Capacity

A great list of potential roles for skills based volunteers.

Staff Guides for Working with Volunteers Volunteer Recruitment
Management Tool 2017
Engaging Pro Bono & Skills-Based Volunteers Webinar

This one hour webinar was presented for a library audience by Jennifer Bennett, CVA, Senior Manager of Education and Training at Voluntee

Engaging High Impact Volunteers
Training Materials 2020
In Lieu of Money, Toyota Donates Efficiency to New York Charity

This New York Times article provides an excellent example of a company providing their skilled volunteers to address the needs of a volun
Engaging High Impact Volunteers

Training Materials 2013
Pro Bono Project Worksheet - VolunteerMatch

This worksheet was a handout provided during aone-hour webinar entitled Engaging Pro Bono & Skilled Volunteers.

Engaging High Impact Volunteers Staff Training
Training Materials
Skilled Volunteer Interview: Social Media Specialist

This is a 4 minute interview with a volunteer who served as a Social Media Specialist for the California State Library.
Engaging High Impact Volunteers Millennials

Training Materials 2015
Skills Based Volunteerism 201: Project Scoping and Planning

This 1 hour archived webinar on preparing for skills-based volunteerism was presented by Serve Ohio in January 2020.

Engaging High Impact Volunteers Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Small Library VolunteerMatch Success Story - Brownwood Texas

In this 2 minute video, Brownwood Texas Library Director, Becky Isbell, shares her successful experience in posting a need for a skilled

Capacity Building Engaging High Impact Volunteers On-line Volunteer Recruitment VolunteerMatch Tools and Resources
Training Materials 2017
Successful Volunteer Recruitment Strategies for Baby Boomers & Generations that Follow

This is a one hour archived webinar presented by Carla Lehn in February, 2012.
Volunteer Recruitment Baby Boomers Engaging High Impact Volunteers On-line Volunteer Recruitment

Training Materials 2012
Taproot Pro Bono Projects Catalog

This document provided by the Taproot Foundation will give you an idea of some of the projects you could hope to recruit a pro bono or sk

Staff Guides for Working with Volunteers
Management Tool 2017
Tips to Attract & Retain Skilled Volunteers that Grow Your Nonprofit

Great tips as you venture into the world of skilled volunteers . . .

Engaging High Impact Volunteers
Training Materials 2022
Up Your Game with Skills-Based Volunteering

A discussion of skills-based volunteering which can be provided through specialized volunteer-matching organizations.

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2023
VolunteerMatch "Tour"

This is a recording of an online meeting "Tour" provided for incoming AmeriCorps members attached to California Library Literacy Services

VolunteerMatch Tools and Resources Staff Training On-line Volunteer Recruitment
Training Materials 2022