Resources tagged with "Homebound"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Home Delivery Driver - Indianapolis Public Library IN

Job Description used by the Indianapolis Public Library in their Library Express home delivery program.

Outreach Adult Programming Materials Handling
Position Descriptions 2022
Home Library Services Delivery Helper - Dayton OH

Volunteer job description from Dayton Ohio for their Home Delivery service.

Adult Programming Outreach Materials Handling
Position Descriptions 2024
Homebound Delivery Driver Agreement - Arlington Heights IL

This form is signed by all volunteers driving their own cars to deliver materials to the homebound for the Arlington Heights Memorial Lib

Volunteer Handbooks
Management Tool 2022
Homebound Delivery Volunteer Safety Requirements Sign-Off Sheet - Boulder CO

This list of safety requirements was created for Boulder Colorado Homebound Delivery volunteers returning to service during COVID-19.

Job Specific Volunteer Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2020
Homebound Delivery Volunteer Survey During COVID-19 - Indianapolis, IN

This survey was developed by the Indianapolis Public Library during May, 2020's COVID-19 pandemic to assess Homebound Delivery volunteers

Adult Programming Materials Handling
Position Descriptions 2020
Homebound Service ToolKit - Texas

Libraries have a long tradition of providing outreach to underserved populations and are committed to providing access to all, even peopl
Outreach Program / Project Coordinator Job Specific Volunteer Training

Position Descriptions 2011
Library Express (Homebound) Delivery Volunteer - Indianapolis Public Library IN

This job description is used by the Indianapolis Public Library in their Library Express program, which is delivery for the homebound.

Outreach Adult Programming Materials Handling
Position Descriptions 2022
Library Express - Frequently Asked Questions - Indianapolis IN

Prepared by the Indianapolis Public Library for their home delivery program, Library Express.

Job Specific Volunteer Training
Training Materials 2022
Visiting Library Service Client Intake Form - Barrie Public Library

Form used by the Barrie Public Library to gather information from new potential users of their Visiting Library Service.

Confidentiality Policies
Management Tool 2023
Volunteer Application - Tulare County, CA

Volunteer Application used by Tulare County Library.
Adult Volunteer Applications

Management Tool 2011