Resources tagged with "Recruitment"

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Resource Resource type Year
Strategies for Attracting Today's Volunteers - DOVIA Sacramento Webinar

This archived webinar was presented by Carla Lehn for DOVIA Sacramento in February 2021. Learning Objectives for the session:

Staff Training On-line Volunteer Recruitment Engaging High Impact Volunteers
Training Materials 2021
Systemic Exclusion in Volunteer Engagement

The vast majority of managers of volunteers absolutely abhor deliberate acts of racism and want to be more inclusive.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
The Human Side of Recruitment

This webinar was presented by Beth Steinhorn of VQ Strategies on July 10, 2024. Recruitment is more than simply posting online ads.

Staff Training Interviewing Volunteers
Training Materials 2024
Volunteer Brochure - Huntington Beach, CA

Volunteer Recruitment Brochure

Publicity and Promotion
Management Tool 2011
Volunteer Brochure - Paso Robles, CA

Paso Robles library's volunteer recruitment brochure

Publicity and Promotion
Management Tool 2011
Volunteer Engagement 101

This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCo

Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
Volunteer Opportunities Flyer -- Monrovia, CA

Volunteer recruitment flyer used by Monrovia Public Library

Publicity and Promotion
Management Tool 2011
Volunteer Speed-Matching

A unique volunteer recruitment technique.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2005
Volunteer Sustainability vs. Retention -- Carla Lehn

I often get asked – how do we retain volunteers – meaning how to we keep them longer.
Baby Boomers Staff Training

Training Materials 2012
VolunteerMatch Learning Center

This is the link to VolunteerMatch's online learning center. Check here for free webinars and other learning resources.

VolunteerMatch VolunteerMatch Tools and Resources
Training Materials 2012
VolunteerMatch Recruitment Tool - Volunteer Recommendations

Did you know that VolunteerMatch has a cool new feature that recommends volunteer opportunities to the thousands of potential volunteers
Volunteer Recruitment VolunteerMatch VolunteerMatch Tools and Resources

Training Materials 2014
VolunteerMatch/LinkedIn Recruitment Partnership Instructions

VolunteerMatch and LinkedIn have teamed up to use both of their vast networks to help us recruit high skilled volunteers!
Volunteer Recruitment VolunteerMatch

Management Tool 2014
Whom Don't We Ask to Volunteer?

We all know the common wisdom (backed up by research, actually) that the number one reason people volunteer or give money is because they
Volunteer Recruitment

Management Tool 2014
Why Company Sponsored Volunteer Programs are Keeping Millennials Happy at Work

What motivates millennials to stay in a job is having an impact on corporate social responsibility.

Volunteer Recruitment Millennials
Training Materials 2016