Hot Topics Archive

Month Topic Update
What's New for October 2019 New Resources

Do’s & Don’ts of Supervising Library Volunteers

Adult Volunteer Application – Huntington Beach

Volunteer Handbook – Pacific Grove

Beyond Retention: How to get better data to inform your volunteer engagement strategy


What's New for September 2019 Recognition, Part 2

Don't Just Recognize Volunteers, Invest in Them . . . and in Yourself

Volunteer Recognition: Matching Motivation to Rewards

When Recognition Hurts Recruitment (and what we might do about it)

Recognizing Online Volunteers and Using the Internet to Honor ALL Volunteers


What's New for August 2019 New Resources

Skills Based Volunteering ToolKit

Building Capacity Through Volunteer Leadership

Want to Write a Volunteer Program Annual Report? Here’s How to Start

Why Should We Pay Attention to Volunteering Trends

CRM Integration


What's New for July 2019 Recognition

Rethinking Volunteer Recognition

Volunteer Appreciation Guide

Volunteer Recognition: Just Say No to Years of Service Awards

3 Ways to Recognize Volunteers

Recognizing Volunteers in 2017

Celebrate Collective Accomplishments, Not Volunteered Time


What's New for June 2019 New Tools Shared by Libraries


Many thanks to these libraries who recently shared materials for us to share with you! Please send us yours in the “Share Your Materials” box below.

Social Media Coordinator Volunteer Job Desc -- Salinas CA

Spanish Language Virtual Document Translator – Salinas CA

List of Volunteer Job Descriptions – Corona CA

Volunteer Guidelines – Austin TX



What's New for May 2019 Return on Investment (ROI)

California's Get Involved Regional Leaders develop networking and training events for library volunteer engagement coordinators in their regions across the state. They decided a tool was needed for library volunteer programs to determine their Return on Investment, and then share that data both internally and externally in the form of an attractive but brief infographic that could also be used as a program's annual report. They developed this ROI worksheet to be used by individual libraries to create the data for the infographic, and included sample infographics.

Feel free to download and use this worksheet for yourself, and if you're interested in using one of the infographics, there are 3 templates with minor variations that can be found for your use here:

Infographic Template #1

Infographic Template #2

Infographic Template #3

And 3 different library examples using the templates here:

Example A

Example B

Example C

What's New for April 2019 Millennial Volunteers

Three Things We Know About Engaging Millenials in Your Cause

Millenials and Volunteering: Bridging the Generation Gap


What's New for March 2019 New Resources

NOTE: Please share your materials - volunteer job descriptions, handbooks, policies & training materials - with us for the Clearinghouse. Just click on "Suggest a Resource."

Position Descriptions

Genealogy Group Facilitator - Texas

Circulation Assistant – Texas

Volunteer Technology Coach – Texas

Training Materials

Shelving with Dewey - Illinois

Recruitment Success Story – Flagstaff, Arizona

Buckeye Arizona Library’s Experience with Get Involved


What's New for February 2019 Handling Common Problems

Can We Reject a Volunteer?

You Can’t Fire Me, I’m a Volunteer!

Controlling Complaint Conversations


What's New for January 2019 New Resources

Three Things We Know About Engaging Millennials in Your Cause


What's New for December 2018 Risk Management

Liability, Insurance, and Risk Management Issues for Volunteer Programs

Managing Volunteers: Balancing Risk and Reward

Checklist to minimize the most common volunteer risks

Nonprofit Volunteers – Minimizing the Risks 

Volunteer Background Checks: Giving Back Without Giving Up on Privacy

Background Checks – Nonprofit Risk Management Center


What's New for November 2018 New Resources

October 24th Archived Webinar – Where Do I Go from Here? Engage Volunteers in New Ways

Volunteer Engagement Roles Matrix


HandsOn Network Volunteer Leader Guidebook


What's New for October 2018 New Resources

September 2018 WebJunction Webinar: Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

50 Project Ideas for Skilled Volunteers

Demographic Trends Shaping America and Service


What's New for September 2018 New Resources

August 22, 2018 archived webinar: Successfully Managing Library Volunteer Program Changes

What should you do when it’s time to change the policies and procedures that govern or guide the volunteers that work with your organization? How can you create a culture of inclusion and get buy-in for those new policies? This training will give you the tools to approach program changes in a strategic way. We will also cover what to do if volunteers either can’t or won’t adopt the policies, how to manage that situation, and what to do if ultimately you need to ask a volunteer to leave.

What You'll Learn: 

* Theories for change management

* Pitfalls and challenges around implementing changes in a volunteer engagement program

* Opportunities to build buy-in and support for changes

* What to do if you need to ask a volunteer to leave

What's New for August 2018 New Resources

 June 27, 2018 webinar archive – New Volunteer Manager’s ToolKit

Handouts shared at 6/27/18 webinar:

Sample Volunteer Interview Questions

Sample Confidentiality Agreement

Volunteer Program Evaluation Checklist


What's New for July 2018 Making Volunteer Engagement More Inclusive

Engaging Volunteers from Diverse and Immigrant Communities

Volunteers with Disabilities: What You Need to Know, Library Accessibility Tip Sheet 9 (ASCLA)

More ASCLA tip sheets on specific accessibility issues

Inclusive Volunteering: Recommendations for Volunteer Coordinators on How to Develop a More Inclusive Volunteer Programme

Building Inclusive Bridges: A Guide to Facilitating Inclusive Referrals


What’s New for June 2018 New Resources

Archived Webinar – Build Staff Buy In for Volunteer Engagement (4.25.18)

Archived Webinar – VolunteerMatch “Tour” (5.10.18)

Sample Volunteer Service Agreement


GenerationON Projects, Ideas and Resources

Grow Staff Volunteer Harmony


What's New for May 2018 Volunteer Management Systems

Are you looking for a way to manage information about your volunteers and create reports on your volunteer engagement activity? If so, here are some materials in the Clearinghouse you might want to take a look at:

Volunteer Management Software Comparisons

A Consumer’s Guide to Volunteer Management Systems – Idealware

Survey of Software Tools Used to Track and Manage Volunteers

Volunteer Management Software Comparisons

Online Volunteer Management Software Expo (Archived Webinar)

CRM Integration - Idealware

Additional materials in this Clearinghouse on this topic include reviews of specific volunteer tracking systems in use by several California public libraries. To access them, click on “Management Tools,” then in the keyword drop-down menu, select “Volunteer Management Systems.”

If you would like to provide a review of a volunteer management system your library uses, or share any other materials with your colleagues, please use the “Suggest a Resource” link on this page.

What's New for April 2018 New Resources


Volunteers are the Reputational Assets your Organization is Overlooking

A Different Kind of Volunteer Work: More companies are encouraging employees to donate their professional expertise

Directory of Volunteer Engagement Professional Associations by Geographic Region

How to Turn Away Volunteers and Still Have an OK Day

Target Market Success Story: Volunteers with Full Time Jobs

Building Capacity: Strategic Volunteer Engagement


What's New for March 2018 New Resources


Tips for Gaining Staff Buy-In

Getting Management Buy-In for Volunteers

Volunteer Engagement: Changing Our Volunteer Culture

What Leaders of Volunteers Can Do to Gain Executive Attention

Confidentiality and Other Objections to Volunteers

Collaborating with Unions to Engage Volunteers


A Library Director Talks About Staff Buy-In

Build Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement

Getting Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement