Resources tagged with "equity"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Power, Privilege, and Volunteerism

Volunteerism can reinforce patterns of power and privilege (whites and people of means as volunteers, and communities of color or those w

Staff Training
Training Materials 2020
Privilege, Bias and Microaggressions

On Aug 25, 2022 Points of Light and the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration led a conversation exploring identity, privile

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
Racial Equity and Inclusion Resources for Volunteer Engagement Leaders

This is a terrific list of links to articles, books, research, podcasts, movies and toolkits on this subject put together by MAVA - the M

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2020
Recruiting Local Volunteers to Increase Diversity Among the Ranks

This blog post by Jayne Cravens provides some ideas for expanding diversity among your volunteers.

Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
Talking racial equity? Make sure you understand these 17 words

A shared vocabulary is the necessary first step for discussing racial equity. This glossary of terms might be helpful.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2023
Tips for Communications and outreach that honor diversity, equity and inclusion

Nine tips for communication that can be used as a checklist.

Capacity Building Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
Ways to Appreciate Volunteers Without Centering Them as the Hero

This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause -

Staff Training
Training Materials 2022
White Supremacy in Volunteerism - Perfectionism

This video clip was prepared for the Get Involved Initiative by Breauna Dorelus of Connecting the Cause -

Staff Training
Training Materials 2022