Resources tagged with "Reporting"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
17 Top Volunteer Management Software Options for Nonprofits

Comparison of 17 volunteer management systems.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2024
19 Top Volunteer Management Tools for Nonprofits & Schools

Reviews of 19 volunteer management systems.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2024
Annual Volunteer Engagement Report - Los Angeles Public Library

2020-2021 annual report on volunteer engagement of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Publicity and Promotion
Management Tool 2022
Insights & Impact 2020: Measuring the Social Impact of Volunteerism

This report describes new ways to calculate the value of volunteer time.

Capacity Building
Training Materials 2021
Tips for Selecting a Volunteer Management Database

Wendy Johnson of the Indianapolis Public Library presented this session for the Get Involved Initiative in July 2024.

Staff Training Capacity Building
Training Materials 2024