Resources with "Engaging High Impact Volunteers" Keyword

Keywords are the primary categories of resources.

Resource Resource type Tags Year
Volunteer Assessment and Selection- Jennifer Rackow

As part of a day-long training, Jennifer Rackow helps you assess and select the best candidates to become volunteers in your program.

Training Materials Video, volunteer selection 2009
Volunteer Involvement in California Libraries: Best Practices

This is the State Library's 245 page book on Volunteer Involvement for libraries -- author Carla Lehn.

Training Materials Volunteer Recruitment, volunteer coordinator, staff training 1999
Volunteer Matching: Finding the Right Role for Every Volunteer

Fitting each volunteer with the right role is critical to success.

Training Materials job descriptions, placement, onboarding, interview 2023
Volunteer Practices Continuum - San Jose, CA

The practices are on a continuum that begins with statements that reflect “Volunteer Management” procedures and ends with statements that

Training Materials 2010
Volunteer Recruitment

Video clip on this topic from a Get Involved Volunteer Engagement Institute in Oakland California in May 2015. (20.5 minutes)

Training Materials 2015
What Do Volunteers Want?

This article discusses the importance of following up with volunteers -- keeping them in the loop through good communication.

Training Materials communications, followup 2020
Why Don't People Volunteer?

This brief article from PTO today discusses the importance of not only knowing why people volunteer, but why they don't.

Training Materials Volunteer Recruitment, Motivation 2015
Why Should We Pay Attention to Volunteer Trends?

If we could see the coming volunteering trends, we could prepare for them, right?

Training Materials trends, corporate 2018