What's New for June 2012

Thinking of engaging groups of volunteers from corporations, local businesses, service clubs or youth groups?  Then this archived one hour webinar is for you:  Putting Corporate Volunteers to Work 

This volunteer position description from the California State Library really generated a lot of referrals on VolunteerMatch.  Your library may have a need like this as well -- Japanese American History Archivist -– We’re also looking for a volunteer position description for a person(s) to help Tech Services with translation of materials too – if you have such a description, please “Suggest a Resource” by clicking in the box to the right.

Literacy programs looking for a way to serve adult learners who are waiting to be matched with a volunteer tutor should take a look at Solano County Library’s Learning Opportunity Facilitator volunteer position description.

We have asked some libraries to do “reviews” on the Volunteer Management System they are using to keep track of their volunteer information.  The newest one is on the product called Volgistics – Huntington Beach Public Library’s Review.  If you’re looking for a system for your library, you’ll find an assortment of these reviews on a variety of Volunteer Management Systems by clicking on “Management Tools,” and then on “Volunteer Management Systems.”