What's New for April 2023

Do you work with library volunteer coordinators/ liaisons in your branches or other departments? If yes, here are a couple examples of guidelines created by other library volunteer engagement coordinators in that position: (Note: If you’ve got one to share, please e-mail to me at clehn@califa.org)

       Deschutes Public Library, Oregon

       Metropolitan Library System, Oklahoma City

       Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio


Building Staff Buy-In for Volunteer Engagement -- January 18, 2023 Webinar recording


Developing and Managing Volunteer Programs


Two one hour December webinars presented for AmeriCorps members attached to California Library Literacy Services are now available for viewing by all:

Volunteer Engagement 101 -- Learning Objectives included: What Motivates Volunteers, Utilizing Skilled Volunteers, and Designing Volunteer Job Descriptions and Recruitment Plans. NOTE: Passcode required to view the video: Rr2sqKs+

Volunteer Engagement Tools for Success which includes a tour of best practices on VolunteerMatch is archived separately here: NOTE: Passcode required to view the video:  2%czJp