Re-posting – Best and easiest thing you can do to make your volunteer listings more visible to volunteers on VolunteerMatch
Include a photo of what it looks like to be a volunteer in the position (more effective than a logo or picture of your library)
Need good photos of volunteers in action? -- Click on Photos then use Dropdown menu to select the volunteer role. These are professionally taken, photo waivers signed and sized for VolunteerMatch!
Promote Your Listings -- If you have a paid VolunteerMatch account (California Libraries can get one free from the California State Library – e-mail another one of the features you get is called "Promote Your Listings." This 90 second video shows how it can add a self-updating Volunteer page to your library's website.
VolunteerMatch/LinkedIn Reccruitment Partnership - How to get LinkedIn to offer your skilled volunteer position to qualified candidates
VolunteerMatch “Tour” – Using VolunteerMatch to Recruit Skilled & Virtual Volunteers