Resources tagged with "Record Keeping"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Best Volunteer Management Software

A comparison of volunteer management system products.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2024
Best Volunteer Management Software

Comparison of some volunteer management database systems.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2022
Best Volunteer Management Software Comparison

A comparison of some currently available systems for managing volunteer information.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2022
CRM Integration - Idealware

Your library or nonprofit interacts with a lot of people, from program participants to donors to volunteers to board members.
Volunteer Management Systems

Management Tool 2018
How to Find a VMS System That Actually Meets Your Needs

There are a lot of VMS choices out there, probably something for every program, depending on your size and budget.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2019
Records Retention Practices - Indianapolis Public Library IN

This procedure is used by the Indianapolis Public Library for record retention for support programs and volunteer resources.

Volunteer Handbooks
Management Tool 2022
RoundUp: Best Volunteer Management Software

A 2022 summary comparing currently available volunteer management software systems from VolunteerPro.

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2022
VMS Features Comparison - Volgistics/Volunteer Impact - Portland OR

This VMS features comparison spreadsheet was created by an Oregon colleague it to compare their current VMS, Volgistics, and the one they

Volunteer Management Systems
Management Tool 2021