Resources with "Book Sales / Bookstore" Keyword

Keywords are the primary categories of resources.

Resource Resource type Tags Year
Best New Volunteer Roles in Libraries

This one-hour live online meeting was held on October 20, 2022 and features  library volunteer engagement leaders sharing their thou

Position Descriptions Volunteer Job Description, staff training 2022
Book Sale Photo Friends, Friends of the Library
Book Store Volunteer - Indianapolis Public Library - IN

This is the job description used by the volunteers engaged in the Indianapolis Public Library's Book Store.

Position Descriptions Booksales, Bookstore 2020
Bookstore Operator Photo Friends of the Library, Friends, Book sale, Book store, Manager
Bookstore Operator Photo Book store, Book sale, Friends, Friends of the Library, Manager
Bookstore Operator Photo Book sale, Book store, Friends, Friends of the Library, Manager
Create a Book Stool!

LOVE this idea shared by the Vernon Area Public Library in Illinois.

Position Descriptions maker space, crafts 2021
Friends/Book Sale Photo Friends, Book sale, Book store
Friends/Book Sale Photo Friends, Book sale, Book store
Library Store Support - Indianapolis IN

Bookstore volunteers enhance the work of Indy Library Store by helping to dispose of discarded, donated, and unwanted materials to create

Position Descriptions 2024
Online Book Sale Photo Friends, Friends of the Library
Online Book Sale Volunteer - Mesa AZ

This volunteer job description from the Mesa Public Library in Arizona supports the huge online booksale operation

Position Descriptions online booksales, Friends, Friends of the Library, Booksales 2022
Online Book Store Photo Friends, Friends of the Library
Sorting Books Photo Friends, Book sale
Sorting Books Photo Friends, Book sale, sorting books
Web Developer - Friends of the Library, Huntington Beach CA

Job Description for a volunteer Web Developer for the Huntington Beach Friends of the LIbrary

Position Descriptions Web design, Friends of the Library 2014
What to do with a Group of Volunteers

Looking for ways to engage groups of volunteers?

Position Descriptions groups, group volunteering 2023